TSG has been helping candidates win seats in congress since our start. In 2014? we became a preferred vendor with the DCCC and in 2016 we worked on 36 races and we anticipate 50 for 2018.  The Sexton Group has a long-standing partnership with a national call center company. This partnership has allowed us to grow and adapt to provide the best quality services and reporting to our clients. We are proud of the capacity our backend allows us – we can easily run 250 live call projects simultaneously and send out 5,000,000 peer-to-peer texts in a single day.

We partnered with the DCCC to run the most effective program in each particular district – be that live IDs, vote by mail chase texts or a variety of GOTV efforts. In 2018 we started to roll out graphic texting in many of our DCCC races. We have seen this cycle that texts can be an extremely effective way to reach voters. These messages range from a simple digital palm card to sending a video of a someone endorsing our candidate.

As the 2018 DCCC primary phone vendor, and exclusive P2P vendor, we developed and ran a comprehensive, multi-touch, phone and engagement program that turned out new and sporadic voters that together became the biggest wave election for Democrats since the 1970s. Utilizing SMS and MMS texting, with some of our firm’s messaging expertise, we not only reached voters, but engaged with them on their issues, their passions, and met them in the palm of their hands. Throughout the 2018 cycle we sent 36 million P2P texts for the DCCC, with almost 5 million of those on Election Day alone.

In January of 2019, Nancy Pelosi was sworn in as Speaker and Democrats took the U.S. House in historic fashion – flipping over 40 seats across the country. With changing demographics, we as consultants have to change as well. It’s clear that in order to continue to reach voters we must: adapt our strategies, integrate the old with the new, and evolve with our voters. We saw how texting is a great way to reach people that in recent past cycles were hard to contact. We tailored our texts for the greatest benefit in each race. From crowd building, to VBM chase, to rapid response and GOTV, we reached and mobilized voters across the country.